Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Received Another Great Award!

Last week I was given another great award!!
I received a special award from a wonderful scrapper and designer from DSO Livia Thank you Livia for this award.The award comes with this text:
"A todas nos encanta los blogs, en la mayoría sus objetivos son mostrar las maravillas y hacer amistades; hay personas que no se interesan cuando les damos un premio y desta manera contribuyen a cortar esos lazos; ¿queremos que se corten o se propaguen?Entonces tratemos de prestar mas atención a ellos! Debemos entregarlo a 8 blogger's que deben hacer lo mismo y poner el texto."

I went to get the translation for this from Yahoo's Babel Fish and this is what it says:

" To all blogs enchants to us, in the majority their objectives are to show the wonders and to make friendships; there are people who are not interested when we give a prize them and desta way contributes to cut those bows; we want that they are cut or they propagate? Then we try to pay but attention to them! We must give it to 8 blogger' s that must do the same and put texto."

Now I must pass this on to 8 people whose friendship I cherish and who have given to so many their talents. Because I am so new at this I don't have all of 8 people to send it to whom I have developed personal friendships with, but I have some whose blogs I visit their blogs regularly and they are so generous with their freebies and talents and they have touched my life and I want to award them for that. So this is a combination of good friends and those whom I admire thier talents. Michelle, Jazzieal, Kim, Bunny, Vanessa, Silvia, and Doodle .
Now for some LO's I have just finished. The first one is my great nephew. I was learning some new techniques again and I turned his photo into a sketch. I am really happy with the results.

The kit I used is called "Grateful4u" which was a kit I received for being a part of Kimb's CT team. A bunch of designers got together and made this huge mega kit in appreciation to their CT team members. It is an absolutely gorgeous kit and I thank each and every one of them for creating this for us. There are so many wonderful things you can do with this kit. The frame and brush is from Katie Pertiet, and the tutorial I used is from Cassie Jones-both are found at Designer Digitals. The wordart is from a very talented friend Jazzieal from her "Sweet Baby" set at DSO. She sells her designs exclusively at

This next one I had fun with. My daughter has two cats and they are a hoot to watch. This one is Charlie and he just loves crawling into the weirdest places. Just look at his cute little comfort zones.

I used a really cute kit from Michelle at Crafty Scraps called "Frisky" It's the perfect cutsie kit I needed for these photos. Michelle has some really awesome kits-you should go check out her store and her blog. She gives out some awesome kits as freebies. The wordart is from Jazzieal. She comes up with some perfect phrases for your pages. This one is from her "Here Kitty" set at DSO. You should go visit her blog too-she always has some really awesome freebies to offer you.


Kim B said...

Thanks so much for this Paula- LOVE you to my friend and sending you huge hugs!
PS_ those LO's are GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...

Paula, thanks for the thought and the lovely award. Love your new layouts - most of all the kitties and yes the sentiment is so true.

Anonymous said...

AWEEE how sweet..thank you for the are such a wonderful friend and I am glad you are mine..thank you for the wonderful pages you always make my wordart look great..big hugs